AFNeT & prostep ivip STEP AP242 Day 2023
The 17 Oct 2023 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
We are pleased to announce that the AP242 Day will take place on 17 October 2023 from 10 am to 5 pm, in Toulouse, sponsored by Airbus.
The logistical details will be specified shortly before this event.
During the event, we will have the privilege of welcoming industrials who will share their success stories, requirements, and use cases.
Vendors will also present how they implement STEP functionalities and roadmaps.
Additionally, there will be presentations of projects related to AP242, including various Interoperability Forums and Benchmark activities.
Thank you for saving the date, and we look forward to your presence at this promising event.
The attendance is free of charge but the registration is mandatory.
Best Regards,
AFNeT & prostep ivip
AFNeT & Prostep ivip