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"Altered taste and eating in Cancer" Symposium

Le 12 novembre 2024 de 08:30 à 17:30
Institut Lyfe - Lab. Services, 69130, ECULLY France
Centre de Recherche Institut Lyfe


Introduction A. GIBOREAU, Institut Lyfe R&I Center, FR ​& Amandine BRUYAS Hospices Civils de Lyon, FR​ - Oncology and the issue of eating in cancer patients

Session I. Nutrition

. Meropi KONTOGIANNI,  Harokopio Athens U., GR​ - Dietary intake and assessment of nutritional status and nutritional disorders in cancer patients     ​

. Anestis DOUGKAS Institut Lyfe R&I Center, FR ​- Eating , quality of life and nutritional status

Monica DINU University of Florence, IT ​- Key aspects of chrono-nutrition in oncology 

. Véronique MOURIER, Elior Santé, FR​ - Food service in oncology. Context, challenges and perspectives for food enjoyment

Session II. Psycho-social dimensions of eating

. Sara SPINELLI Florence U., IT​ - The importance of psychological traits and emotions in food liking in cancer patients

. Isabelle MAITRE ESA Angers,FR​ - Identification of eater profiles in the elderly population and relation to the pleasure of eating

. Anna RUDZINSKA Jagiellonian U., PL​ - Nutritional challenges in older cancer patients. A patient, caregiver and multidisciplinary team perspective

. Angelica LIPPI, University of Florence, IT​ / Institut Lyfe R&I Center, FR / Elior Santé, FR - Sensory-hedonic responses to food in cancer patients with altered perceptions

Session III. Sensory alterations in cancer

. Sanne BOESVELDT, Wageningen U., NL​ - Savor the flavor: The impact of chemosensory changes on eating behavior in cancer patients undergoing various treatment

. Guillaume BUIRET, Valence Hospital, FR​ - Metallic taste in head & neck cancers: frequency, nutritional impact, potential causes & treatments

. Fransisco RUIZ OJEDA, Granada University, ES - Effects of miraculin on taste perception in malnourished cancer patients with dysgeusia

. Reisya RIANTININGTYAS, University of Lyon 1 / Institut Lyfe R&I Center, FR​ - Somesthesia, contribution of thermal, tactile and chemestetic sensations to food perception in cancer

Session IV. Measurements, diagnosis and recovery of sensory alteration

. Thomas HUMMEL, Dresden U., DE​ - Eating without Smell or taste!

. Isabelle CAYEUX, Firmenich, CH​ -Measuring perception

. Jacco de HAAN, University Medical Center Groningen, NL ​ - The TASTY project: taste steering and taste & smell training in patients with cancer

Mélanie ROCHE, Hospices Civils de Lyon, FR - The CANUT guide: nutritional, sensory and culinary personnalised recommandations for cancer patients

​Conclusions   F. CARROUEL, Lyon 1 U., FR

Closing Cocktail and networking - clinical, academic and industrial perspectives




Le 12 novembre 2024 de 08:30 à 17:30


Institut Lyfe - Lab. Services, 3 avenue Guy de Collongue, 69130, ECULLY France


Centre de Recherche Institut Lyfe