European Buddhist Union Contemplative Sciences Network
Effects and impacts of meditation on human mind and body
Contemplative science in europe
Au 20 novembre 2022 19:00
An EBU Initiative promoting a spirit of unity in diversity through a cooperative approach to resource sharing for a culture of awakening.
Date : Inaugural Visio-Conference on Saturday November 19th 2022 - 14h-19h (CET)
Plateform : Zoom webinar. You will receive the zoom link in return of your free registration
Language : english
Frontiers of Contemplative Science in Europe, effects and impacts of meditation experience & training on human mind and body.
Insights and discussions : on the major philosophical, scientific and practical issues arising from research in the field of contemplative sciences, combining meditative experience, traditional views, neurosciences and phenomenology.
With renowned Speakers : Dharma teachers and academic researchers exploring fundamental questions, such as:
- What is Contemplative Science? What does it question and what does it propose ?
- How does the contemplative science fit into the field of Western thought and civilization ?
- How may Contemplative science transform western epistemology, philosophy, vision and way of life ?
- Neuroscience and meditation: What have been the major steps in neuroscience research on the effects of meditation ? Today, what are the philosophical and scientific issues and perspectives ?
- What does the meeting of Buddhist psychology and cognitive neuroscience bring to the understanding of human nature, does it help and how ?
- What is Contemplative -Neuro – Phenomenology ? How does traditional inner science of mind (Dharma) meet western phenomenology ? What does this approach bring to the understanding of philosophy and meditative experience?
Dharma teachers of the three yânas
Academic Contemplative scientists
Conference Host
Conference Tentative Program
Each intervention will be followed by a short discussion and questions
- 14:00 - Opening with Ron Eichhorn, EBU President
- 14:10 - Denys Rinpoché
- 14:40 - Exchanges and discussions
- 14:50 - Dr. Antoine Lutz
- 15:20 - Exchanges and discussions
- 15:30 - Venerable Dario Doshin Girolami
- 16:00 - Exchanges and discussions
- 16:10 - Break
- 16:30 - Prof. Antonino Raffone
- 17:00 - Exchanges and discussions
- 17:10 - Prof. Henk Barendregt
- 17:40 - Exchanges and discussions
- 17:50 - Panel discussion, led and moderated by Dr. Elena Antonova
- 18:50 - Conclusion
- 19:00 - End
NB: The conference will be recorded and post in the EBU Website and the link will be sent to the people who registered.
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