GCIRC Technical Meeting TM2025 – April 8-10th, 2025
to 10 Apr 2025, 7 p.m.
Share your findings as part of the GCIRC technical meeting 8-10 April 2025
GCIRC Technical Meeting is the unique opportunity for GCIRC members to share their findings, discuss the scientific fronts in rapeseed/canola research and develop a common vision of present challenges.
The overall theme which we are using to set the context of the meeting is Climate Change.
Detailed programme will be available soon.
The Technical meeting is being held at Jesus College Cambridge https://www.jesus.cam.ac.uk/college/life-jesus/location-and-virtual-tour (UK), where accommodation will be available.
Use the special link created for our event https://www.jesus.cam.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/accommodation/conference-accommodation (copy and paste)
and enter the Booking CODE: KX408169 to select the required dates.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS A LIMITED NUMBER OF ROOMS AVAILABLE, reservations through the event link is available until mid-JANUARY 2025.
Contact for registration: contact@gcirc.org
ABSTRACTS submission:
Please send all information and abstract for submission to Colin.peters@niab.com, before December 31st, 2024.
- Presenting author
- Are you a GCIRC member: Yes or NO
- Paper Title
- Presentation type: Oral presentation or Poster
- Abstract (maximum 1200 characters)
Contact : Colin PETERS Colin.peters@niab.com