Gourmet tour at the Louvre
Just because we are getting close to Christmas and New Year's festivities, Claude is taking you in December on a "gourmet tour" at the Louvre. Through out the Dutch, Flemish, French and Italian galleries, we will enjoy the representation of sacred or profane meals but with a special attention on the food products that are served on the paintings. The Last Supper by Titian or, the Wedding at Canna by Veronese are great examples of the representation of delicate courses and desserts. We will enjoy also kitchen scenes with Flemish Beuckelaer who will introduce us into the world of the first still lives. Further, French artists such as Carle van Loo with his famous Picnic after hunting or Jean Simeon Chardin's works such as the impressive Ray fish or Buffet will take us into a more civilian approach of the meals with menus composed of games, paté, brioche and candied fruits served with champagne... Get ready for recipes !
Meeting : Under the Pyramid inside the "Accueil des groupes"
Access information:
- Recommended to access from the metro station Palais Royal-Musée du Louvre.
- If you enter from outside, please make sure you arrive early as the line can be huge.
If you attend this event, you need to :
- Buy your ticket entrance to the Louvre by clicking on this link
- Select Dec 9 at 7 p.m.
Pro tip
- Bring your own earpiece if you have one! :-)
Terms of sale
Price includes :
- Guided tour
- Audio equipment
- Weezevent Fee
Tickets are not refundable nor exchangeable.
Late or lost ? Call Claude: 06 20 41 52 50 or Patricia: 06 15 90 95 84