International Space Architecture Symposium
The Space Architecture Technical Committee in cooperation with RST Arches invites you to join a day-long symposium discussing selected topics of recent milestones of the field space architecture, as well as current and future opportunities of this field. The Fifths Space Architecture Symposium has a special focus on space architecture activities in France. Join the Space Architecture community in this exchange and networking event to learn more about and become active in the next steps for space architecture. For more informations : http://www.arches.urbicoop.eu/
The program :
9h00 : Welcoming café provided by RST ARCHES
9h30 : Kick-off and Introduction
- Welcoming by Christine LECONTE, Chair of the French Council of Architects, the chair of SATC and the chair of RST-Arches (Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger and Olivier Walter)
- Introduction to the day by the organizer (Thomas Lagarde / Kyunghwan Kim)
10h : Panel discussion - French Space Architecture Activities
- Panelists: Alban Guyomarc'h, Julie Patarin Jossec, Peter Weiss, Olivier Walter
- Moderators for the panel discussion: Thomas Lagarde or KIM Kyunghwan, Natasha Chayaamor-Heil
11h00 : The state of the art and future of Space Architecture (Part 1)
Group moderators :
- Additive manufacturing for construction: Alban Malette(Xtreee) and Xavier de Kestelier
- Space Architecture education: Olga Bannova, Sandra Haeuplik-Meusburger and Hatem Hussein
- In Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU) and architecture: Babara Imhof and Miranda Fateri
12h15 : Recap by Moderators
12h30 : Lunch Break provided by RST Arches
14h00 : The state of the art and future of Space Architecture (Part 2)
Group Moderators :
- Design transfer to earth: Melodie Yashar and Daniel Inocente
- Human Factors for Surface Missions: Olga Bannova and Monika Lipinska
- New commercial opportunities: Peter Weiss and Kim Kyunghwan
15h15 : Recap by Moderators
15h45 :BREAK
16h00 : WRAP-UP Session - Next steps for 2023-2024
17h : General conclusion by Sébastien Lombard (CNES)
