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LOVEODYSSEY with Vitaly Kozak & Danya Radlov

21 Apr 2024, 8 p.m.
to 22 Apr 2024, 2 a.m.
Georgia Bar Berlin, 10117, Berlin Germany
Igor Abramov


On April 21, DJ Kozak and  his famous LOVEODYSSEY parties are going to make their debut in Berlin at Georgia Bar!

Legendary DJ Kozak, former resident of SIMASHEV bar, now based in Paris, has founded the amazing event series #LOVEODYSSEY and is now coming to Berlin with his legendary disco mixes and signature atmosphere. 

In the trendy, artistic Georgia Bar, he will be welcomed by his friend, Berlin resident DJ Danya Radlov, who will open the party!

Don't miss out on this historic event!

Line up:

20.00–21.00 DJ Danya Radlov (Berlin)

21.00-01.00 DJ Vitaly Kozak (Paris)



21 Apr 2024, 8 p.m.
to 22 Apr 2024, 2 a.m.


Georgia Bar Berlin, 194 Georgenstraße, 10117, Berlin Germany


Igor Abramov