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Membership Registration Ivy Plus European Leaders 2023

Du 18 décembre 2022 00:00
Au 18 décembre 2023 00:00
Ivy Plus European Leaders, 75007, Paris France
Ivy Plus European Leaders


Ivy Plus European Leaders

Ivy Plus European Leaders is a think tank of alumni from leading US and European Universities.

Its goal is to create a wide synergy of intelligences and energies across borders to address paradigm changes and international challenges shaping society and the world.   

Ivy Plus European Leaders (IPEL) seeks to foster the intellectual bond between fellow alumni across Europe with innovative and challenging events. We welcome alumni of leading universities in the US, Canada and Europe.   

Our aim is to stimulate curiosity, widen awareness of changes in civilization, give keys to understanding the problems facing humanity, and build bridges between disciplines in addressing global issues.  

Our events are designed to provoke original and cutting edge thinking on global issues and put the limelight on impactors of the future.

You are an alum of a renowned university or school,
you are interested in big ideas,

you wish to learn more about the world you live in and the changes it is undergoing,
you think it is important to hear top minds and stimulating experts across disciplines,
you believe in connecting leading institutions, organizations, enterprises and alumni,
we welcome you as a member of 
Ivy Plus European Leaders 

Why become a dues paying member of IPEL?


To show your appreciation and support our efforts to bring you high level, innovative and inspiring events in outstanding venues and locations. 


To take advantage at Member Price of the numerous interdisciplinary forums featuring high profile speakers.   



To benefit from cut prices on partner organizations events (Harvard Club of France, HEC International Alumni, French-American Foundation...)


To receive complementary invitations to exclusive cultural and social events (opera, ballet, concert, exhibitions, art lectures...) 



 Ivy Plus European Leaders is an association registered under the French Law 1901.

Your donations are tax deductible. 

Among The  IPEL-SCEL Cutting Edge Forums with world-class speakers: 
Tech and The Future of EducationThe Impact of Technology on Society and The Individual,  Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity, The Future of Health, Bio-Innovation, Biomimicry and the Future of Science, The Future of Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy, The Future of Finance and Investment, A World in Metamorphosis: Understanding Paradigm Changes, The Future of Civil Society, The Future of Media and Journalism, The Future of Entrepreneurship, The Future of Relationship between the US and Europe, The Future of the Middle East and US Relations, COP21 Changing the World to Save the World, The Future of Democracy, The Future of Cybersecurity and Cyberwar.  
Among The  IPEL-SCEL Exclusive Trips: 
The SCEL seminar-cruise across the Aegian - 9 days from Athens to Istanbul with 3 Stanford faculty members, the SCEL trip to the EU- Brussels to meet EU Ambassadors and Heads of Sections, IPEL trip to the Champagne region, trip to Tours and the Loire valley. All trips include exclusive visits to landmarks, lunches, cocktails and dinners in iconic venues, meetings with mayors, ambassadors and high profile personalities.
Ivy Plus European Leaders (IPEL) has grown from Stanford Club of European Leaders (SCEL), founded in 2010. In January 2014, IPEL expanded to encompass prestigious American and European schools and universities.



Du 18 décembre 2022 00:00
Au 18 décembre 2023 00:00


Ivy Plus European Leaders, 1 avenue de Tourville, 75007, Paris France


Ivy Plus European Leaders