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Musical performance by Zoë Conway and John McIntyre

The 4 Apr 2024 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Princess Grace Irish Library, 98000, Monaco-Ville Monaco
Fondation Princesse Grace


Musical performance at the Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco

Zoë Conway & John Mc Intyre - award-winning, traditional Irish musicians will perform a mix of traditional and contemporary music and song on fiddle, guitar and vocals. Much of their repertoire has been composed by themselves and has links to the landscape of the Cooley mountains where we come from in Ireland, and some pieces are inspired by artists like Seamus Heaney.

“Simply one of the best folk duos on the planet” (BBC)

"Folk Instrumentalist of the Year 2020" RTE Radio 1 Folk Awards (Zoë)

The ticket price includes an entrance fee of €15 Euro and an online ticket fee of €0.99.

This ticket ensures you a seat at the event. Your name is noted on the list of pre-paid attendees.

All proceeds support the cultural activities of the Princess Grace Irish Library, under the aegis of the non-profit Fondation Princesse Grace in Monaco.


The 4 Apr 2024 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.


Princess Grace Irish Library, 9 rue Princesse Marie-de-Lorraine, 98000, Monaco-Ville Monaco


Fondation Princesse Grace