ESG DATABASE PROJECT: Surfing the Sustainability Wave
During this event, the Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB) will present Pladifes, a new research programme they coordinate, and will host a roundtable about the existing initiatives aiming at facilitating the access to extra-financial data.
Academics, banks, asset managers, regulators, ... everyone is staring at the ESG wave, trying to ride it or just not to get caught inside.
Pladifes is designed to help academics and any other partners to address the new sustainable finance topics through data-oriented solutions. It is financed by the French National Agency of Research (ANR) and based on CNRS EUROFIDAI financial databases which academics already largely benefit from. This new programme aims at getting these to a next level by adding extra-financial data. Its mandate is also to facilitate the development of research on green and sustainable finance, through the creation of new data using modern AI algorithms.
While these subjects are under active continuous development, a first tool is already published, in collaboration with the interdisciplinary research programme Green and Sustainable Finance (GSF) of the ILB. It is a mapping of all types of conventional and alternative data providers having relevant data to work on sustainable finance related use cases.
The event will also host a roundtable on additional initiatives that focus on easing the search for extra-financial data. Speakers from the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) and the European Single Access Point (ESAP) will introduce their projects and discuss the future of the access to extra-financial data. The presentation and the roundtable will be followed by an interactive live and online Q&A session and a cocktail reception.
La Place FinTech, 2nd floor of Palais Brongniart, 28 Place de la Bourse, 75002, Paris France