Une soirée avec TAGORA - deux pièces courtes
She was wearing/The dog it was that died
Sous le patronage de la Répresentation de l'Irlande du Conseil de l'Europe Tagora présente deux pièces en langue anglaise:
She was wearing: Commanditée à l'origine dans le cadre de la campagne "stop à la violence contre les femmes" d'Amnesty International en 2005 cette série de monologues interconnectés s'inspire de differents vêtements. Sept individus nous confient leur vécu intime; chaque personnage a sa propre histoire parfois violente, coléreuse, réfléchie, triste .... (pièce conseillée pour 14 et plus)
The dog it was that died: Un espion tente de se suicider en sautant d'un pont; il s'en sort avec des blessures mais dans sa chute il tue un chien. La pièce évoque le monde de John Le Carré bien sûr, mais revu et corrigé par Ionesco. Riche en enseignements? Certes, mais après tout ce n'est qu'une histoire de chien écrasé, n'est-ce pas?
Under the patronage of the Irish Representation of Ireland to the Council of Europe, Tagora presents, in English, She was wearing and The dog it was that died.
She was wearing: Originally commissioned as part of Amnesty International's "Stop Violence Against Women" campaign in 2005, this series of interconnected monologues draws inspiration from different garments. Seven individuals tell us about their intimate experiences; each character has their own story, sometimes violent, angry, thoughtful, sad ... (recommended for 14 years and above)
The dog it was that died: A spy tries to kill himself by jumping off a bridge; he escapes with injuries but in his fall he kills a dog. The piece evokes the world of John Le Carré of course, but reviewed and corrected by Ionesco. Lessons learned? Certainly, but after all it's only a run over dog story, isn't it?
Le Cube Noir (CREPS), 4 allée du Sommerhof, 67200, Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen France