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The Human Empowerment

The 27 Apr 2024 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Oekozenter Pafendall, 2663, Luxembourg Luxembourg
Association of Positive Psychology Luxembourg asbl


We are inviting you to an interactive presentation focusing on self-development concepts and practical tools to empower individuals to become the updated, best version of themselves. Through awareness and intention, participants will learn how to reprogram their dysfunctional, outdated, and limiting subconscious paradigms.


The Human Empowerment is a holistic approach that involves mind, body and energy simultaneously. It is framed within the context of positive psychology with a neuroscientific add that supports with scientific evidence how our brain and our physiology change when we modify our state of being.

As individuals we are the creators of our lives, promoting a shift from a victimhood mindset to a growth-oriented and empowered mindset while offering a four-step process to challenge the mind to:

(step 1) declutter, 

(step 2) dismantle, 

(step 3) reframe, and 

(step 4) rewire the subconscious paradigms.


Facilitator: Miriam Vetrano –affiliate member of PPL asbl, occupational psychologist  and Creator of THE MIND CHALLENGE > Upgrade Your Systems for Living! 

More details about Miriam on:



The 27 Apr 2024 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.


Oekozenter Pafendall, 6, rue Vauban, 2663, Luxembourg Luxembourg


Association of Positive Psychology Luxembourg asbl
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