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Using Permaculture Zones To Create an Accessible Garden

10 Feb 2023, midnight
to 31 Mar 2023, midnight
3326 Longview Avenue, 10459, Bronx United States of America


If you're planning your garden or find your current layout isn't working for you, consider permaculture zones. Zoning is a basic practice that allows you to create efficient and compatible gardens for your space with When you're planning a garden for the first time, one of the first things you'll want to consider is zoning. Permaculture zones are a way to organize your yard's plants based on accessibility and energy. 

Zone makes sure that you don't plant the bush too far from a water source so that you can easily access them, that herbs are easy to chop while cooking, and that your morning walk to collect eggs does not involve hiking. to the other side of your property. 

Zoning is a key element of permaculture practice and the basis of planning. If you are new to the idea of ​​permaculture zones, let me tell you today! 


What are permaculture zones? 

Permaculture zones are groupings of plants based on how often they are used and how they are cared for. This can include everything from trellises and greenhouses to bird feeders and rain barrels. 

Zones are designed to help you plan your garden to save energy and maintenance. Thanks to the zones, you will be left with effective, efficient, and ethical gardens. 

When planning, you can place plants and buildings according to the frequency of use, scale, and maintenance required. You then ask yourself what the plant needs to survive such as nutrients, structures, access, and more so you can plan accordingly. 

Belts are not meant to be stiff and round. They are flexible, invisible lines that have no boundaries. They are designed to blend together and can be any shape or size. No two permaculture zones look the same. 


Permaculture Zones and Accessibility 

Permaculture Zones are a big part of accessible gardening as you learn to put what you need close to you and your home. 

As a disabled person, accessibility is very important to me and the permaculture zones really stood out. In my previous garden, where I recently moved, I tried to put the plants that I use every day just a few steps away from the house. 


My house was on top of a small hill, so if I was sick or had mobility issues, I couldn't walk to the bottom and climb up. 

But I knew  I had the plants I depended on the most, like herbs for the kitchen, a grid for picking apples, a hummingbird that I could easily fill, and a space to sit and enjoy horticultural therapy. 

When I got on fire last year, I was thankful I tried to design my garden like this. So, even if accessibility has never been a concern for you, I encourage you to consider it when planning the future of your garden and other visitors.


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10 Feb 2023, midnight
to 31 Mar 2023, midnight


3326 Longview Avenue, 10459, Bronx United States of America
