Webinar - Energy crisis: urgency and planning in heating sector
Webinar - Energy crisis: how to tackle both next winter urgency and long-term planning to reduce costs and GHG emissions in heating and cooling sector?
The situation in Ukraine, the impact of the geopolitical situation on the energy market, and the energy price’s increase call for emergency energy saving measures today and to plan for energy consumption reductions during the coming winter. The heating and cooling sector in general, and in the residential and tertiary sectors in particular, are even more concerned than others. On the other side, the built environment is an enormous potential for GHG reduction and ambitious actions need to be taken to deeply decarbonise it, thanks to sufficiency and efficiency measures and the supply of renewable energy.
This webinar mainly targets the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) coordinators who support local authorities in implementing their SECAPs, but is open to everyone including cities. It aims at presenting different information for impactful heating and cooling strategies to achieve results in the next months without jeopardising mid-term and long-term actions. Due to the fast-evolving political landscape, the EU policy is also constantly changing, and this webinar will present an update of the EU policy framework and discussions.
- Welcome
- The Cities Energy Savings Sprint, what cities can do before next winter? + Q&A, by Fausto Zaccaro, CoM office (10 min)
- Potential impacts of Fit-for-55 and RePowerEU on heating and cooling: update on the status of the EU legislations + Q&A, by Amélie Ancelle, CoM Office (15 min)
- Useful tools and methods for heating and cooling decarbonisation, from different EU-funded projects + Q&A, by Julien Joubert, CoM office (20 min)
- Discussion on needs from CoM Coordinators (15 min)